Journal Issue:
The Iowa Homemaker: Volume 3, Issue 2

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Nile Styles
( 2017-03-31) Schleiter, Harriett ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Never before in history did haughty Dame Fashion bow down so humbly and completely to one man as she does today to King Tut. Perhaps tomorrow the fickle lady of fashion will model her· self to please the eyes of an Indian chief or a Chinese mandarin, but now King Tut holds full sway over her heart and influences her every slightest whim.

Who's There and Where
( 2017-03-31) Reidy, Helen ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Many of the Ames alumni attended the banquet at Younker's tea room which the Ames women held in Des Moines during the convention of the National League of Women Voters.

A Summer Living Room
( 2017-03-31) Boyt, Mildred ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

In spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love." So sing the poets-therefore it must be true. However, the thoughts of Dad and Mother and the rest of the family turn to lovely gardens and cool porches, and so, unconsciously, they prepare the stage for sister and someone else's brother.

A Modern Version of the Hope Box
( 2017-03-31) Bailey, N. ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Do you love to look at pretty dishes, linen, and silver? I do! Just to see a quaint Royal Doulton tea pot gives me a thrill and why shouldn't it? It is instinctive ·for a woman to enjoy pretty table appointments. And it is often true that a woman expresses her personality more exactly in the selection of her linen, silver, and dishes than in any other of her house furnishings.

Canning Early Fruits and Vegetables
( 2017-03-31) Lamb, Helen ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Spring, glorious spring, is here again, The birds are making the blossom- scented air vibrate with their happy songs and the earth is luxuriously verdant. This is the time, too, for big, luscious berries, shiny new stalks of rhubarb and crisp, green vegetables. It just makes one's mouth water to even think of them, and the enterprising housewife is busy · counting the empty cans in her fruit and vegetable closet, for she knows these spring products do not last long, and if her family is t.o enjoy spring goodies all the year round she must can them as soon as they are ready.
