Journal Issue:
Prospects for agricultural recovery, VI. Farm mortgage policy Bulletin: Volume 27, Issue 315

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Prospects for agricultural recovery, VI. Farm mortgage policy
( 2017-08-17) Murray, William ; Extension and Experiment Station Publications

A farm mortgage policy is needed. With an outstanding farm mortgage debt twice that of the years 1910-1914 and with corporations owning over 8 percent of the farm land in Iowa, there is evidence of a problem that deserves attention. Since we talk of tariff policy, debate the pros and cons of monetary issues, and consider the desirability of a land-use program, it is reasonable that we face the question of farm mortgage policy, of planning a sounder method of financing farm ownership than has existed in the past.

Furthermore, it is altogether fitting that the lead in this direction should be taken by farmers and farm-minded people in Iowa because the farm mortgage debt of Iowa exceeds that of any other state, amounting, it is estimated, to one-ninth of the total in the United States.
