Journal Issue:
The Iowa Homemaker vol.13, no.2 The Iowa Homemaker: Volume 13, Issue 2

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Let's Have Something New...
( 2017-05-15) Bloedel, Dorothy ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

If it were supper-time all over the world at the same time and every cook would open her oven door at once, how everyone would stop and sniff the air! What a variety of aromas there would be-but oh, how delicious each one of them!

New Depression Niches...
( 2017-05-15) Bane, Lita ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Home economics women are doing greater things during the present emergency than they would have accomplished in many years of prosperity, said Miss Lita Bane, associate editor of the Ladies' Home Journal, who visited the campus Friday, April 21.

Make It Convenient...
( 2017-05-15) Bartow, Delilah ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

The big farm kitchen with its many doors and windows and its .great center table has had its day. For no longer do we consider large, square kitchens with two or three yards between sink and cabinet or between table and stove convenient.

Grads Are Optimistic...
( 2017-05-15) Cook, Ruth ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Another month will find them gone, these seniors of whom we're all so proud. They'll be off to seek new adventures in those mysterious things called jobs.

Eat for Seventeen Cents a Day...
( 2017-05-15) Oak, Lucille ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Did you ever try to plan a 5-cent breakfast, figure out a 14-cent dinner, or plan a hot dish for a school lunch that would only cost a penny?
