Journal Issue:
The Iowa Homemaker: Volume 32, Issue 3

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Make Every Penny Count
( 2017-08-10) Roos, Joyce ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

All your life you've heard your parents repeating "A penny saved is a penny earned." Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Now that you are in college those hear-earned pennies will disappear rapidly if you can't budget wisely.

Happy Living Through Cooperative Living
( 2017-08-10) Grout, Mary ; Holmberg, Elinor ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Through a system of numerous governing groups explained here, ISC women practice the motto... "Happy living through cooperative living."

Spare Time Pay Offs
( 2017-08-10) Owen, Dorothy ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Studies and activities seem to go hand in hand at Iowa State with one complementing the other. Both are learning experiences- one in "book learning", the other in social contacts and experiences.

New Additions - Added Pleasure
( 2017-08-10) Will, Dorothy ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Tradition says that if you step on the stars of the zodiac at the entrance of Memorial Union, you will fail your next examination. In a short time, there will be even more tradition connected with this zodiac, because many co-eds will probably be married in the little chapel located directly under the Union entrance. This chapel is but a small part of the new additions to the Memorial Union now being built.

( 2017-08-10) Ryals, Joanne ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Planning a shoe wardrobe is probably one of the most difficult tasks a girl faces when she comes to Iowa State- a college known for its beautiful but large campus which makes walking a grim reality if your shoes hurt.
