Journal Issue:
The Iowa Homemaker vol.8 no.1 The Iowa Homemaker: Volume 8, Issue 1

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You Need Another Oven
( 2017-04-21) Morgan, Ethyl ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

It costs one-half as much to bake enough potatoes for a family of four in a small oven on top of the gas stove as it does to bake them in the large oven, which is a part of the range.

Who's There and Where
( 2017-04-21) Caulum, Vera ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Helen Easter has received word that she has been elected to the Lydia C. Roberts fellowship at Columbia University for next year.

Infantile Tetany - Its Cause and Cure
( 2017-04-21) Morling, Helen ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

The setting for the following dialogue is laid in the offices of Dr. Diet-Trained, a specialist in children's diseases. First we see the outer or reception office, later an inner office used for examination and consultation.

"Home Economics on Display"
( 2017-04-21) Davis, Ruth ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Did you ever attend Veishea at Iowa State College and not have the privilege of enjoying one of the individual cherry pies for which the Home Economics Division is so display in this exhibit will show a well appointed buffet luncheon ready to be served.

Home Economics Research
( 2017-04-21) Nisewanger, Melba ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Susan Millier, who began the work toward her master's degree last year, is working on her thesis in absentia while teaching at Norman, Oklahoma. She expects to finish her work during the summer session The subject of her thesis is: "Rugs Suitable for the Small Home."
